My name is Matt and this is my webpage.

Thanks for visiting! I’m Matt, and this is the 4th version of my website. I have always loved to build (and rebuild) things, dating back to my high-school adventures working on an old Ford Ranger engine. I went to Penn State, majored in Mechanical Engineering, and got a job in the Oil and Gas field after graduating, but I never stopped wanting to build things.

I started researching how to build my own Linux desktop computer. After I built it, I was still curious, but this time about networking and how to turn a computer into a server. So I did. Since then, I’ve discovered my passion is in computers and software development. I originally transitioned my server to my RaspberryPi cluster, while I contunited to build it out. Since then, I have switched over to GitHub Pages. I’m currently pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Software Development from the local community college, while also working full time as a Triage Engineer for Aurora Innovation, helping make autonomous cars safe.

When I’m not in front of my computer (for work or for fun) I can be found in my workshop, you guessed it, building things. So far, I’ve built my desk, a cabinet, and a Little Free Library for my fiancee.

Please bear with me as I keep building out this site, adding pages to showcase my woodworking, love of travel, and favorite recipes.

A Picture of me in Iceland